About Anny

A little bit about Anny...
Belgian-born, Anny Slegten lived in Belgian Congo until coming to Canada.
A full-time clinical hypnotherapist since 1984, Anny has initiated many therapeutic techniques she then teaches in Canada and around the world.
Fascinated with how the mind works, Anny now adds writing articles and books to her busy schedule, sharing what her clients have taught her.
Anny Slegten's students arrive at her office from all walks of life, levels of education from professionals to young adults with no formal post-secondary education and are from across a broad spectrum of society, racial origin, religious belief, and life experience.
Their reasons for being there are as diverse as their backgrounds: some are exploring career options, some have had healing by Anny when all else has failed in attempts to own themselves, and some purely due to Anny's reputation. They are truly a gathering of a "mini United Nations " but when they leave they all have so very much in common and have shared deeply of themselves under Anny's superb tutelage.
What becomes increasingly obvious as students progress on their journey is that Anny is indeed unique as a person and a professional. Her stringent personal, professional and spiritual ethics shine through in all she does and teaches and her generosity in sharing any newly acquired knowledge in annual updates for her graduates is well known and appreciated by all. Anny is truly gifted in seeing all people and entities as worthy of her respect and she imparts this to her students.
​In Anny's very interactive classroom all soon come to recognize that while there are very effective and successful hypnotherapists internationally, Anny Slegten's unique qualities and methods ensure that all have the opportunity to developed the skills to successfully improve their lives and if they chose to do so, to enter a full practise on leaving the Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta with the experience and knowledge to confidentially address any issue or entity that should arrive in their personal lives and practises.
​As many of Anny's students have successfully progressed in their private lives and careers they have strongly urged Anny to brand her way of practicing and teaching hypnotherapy as Slegtenian Hypnosis. Knowing from personal experience that the answer to any question lies within us, one of Anny Slegten's unique qualities and methods is bringing subconscious knowledge to conscious awareness.
Anny Slegten
Master Hypnotist
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Hypno-Baby Birthing Facilitator
Master Remote Viewer
Reiki Master / Teacher